Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28, 2012: Brutal Truth Interview

Josh: Who is Brutal Truth, to you? Let’s start it off with an existential question.
Rich: Brutal Truth is more of a what as opposed to a who, ya know? Brutal Truth has always been a band that is 4 guys who get together and are vibing more than anything. We have never been a band that goes, “Hey guys, let’s get together and write and be a totally grind band.” Brutal Truth is a work of art that can’t be helped. It’s like being sick to your stomach and really having a feeling like you have to get something out. Violently, you know? I don’t know, we just have a great time and try and make music that is worthwhile. More for us. I don’t know, we don’t think about it a whole lot, it just is what it is. It’s its own creation and we are just caught up in it.

Josh: How did it all come together in the beginning?
Rich: The first time, or when we got back together?
Josh: The first time, but I am interested in both.
Rich: Brutal Truth’s very very beginnings were as a bedroom band, just Dan Lilker in his bedroom with a four track. He was just trying to make the most extreme music he possibly could. Brutal Truth was a 3-piece for the first couple of shows. It was then Danny, Scott Lewis on drums, Brent McCarty on guitar and Kevin on vocals. Then Scott quit and I’ve played with them ever since. That lineup (Lilker, McCarty, Hoak, Sharp) took us from about 1994 on into our first break-up. It was probably 2005, or after Katrina hit New Orleans, and one of our friends approached us about recording a new song for a compilation to benefit EyeHateGod [For the Sick tribute album] after Hurricane Katrina. We said ok, because us and EyeHateGod go way back and then everything just felt right since then and we started working on new stuff. We got together one weekend and jammed and then got together the next weekend and recorded the one song. We all kept in touch after that and it just snowballed from there. Erik Burke (Lethargy) stepped in on guitar (replacing Brent McCarty). We didn’t want it to be the typical reunion album or just be like when a bunch of 80-year old guys get on stage and play the hits, you know. If we were going to get back out there then we would get back out there. I think Evolution Through Revolution (2009) is some of our best stuff in our 20-year history and we get together and play through all the songs those new songs and the new ones we have now, are some of the best shit we have. There wasn’t anything hanging over our heads, ya know. We just were able to get straight to work on amazing songs. I mean that’s basically the history in a nutshell.

Josh: That was pretty concise for that long of a time. For the record, what are some of the notable past bands that members of Brutal Truth have been in? I know we have Stormtroopers of Death for Dan, but what else?
Rich: Dan Lilker was in Anthrax, SOD, Nuclear Assault and so many others. Erik Burke, years ago played in the band Lethargy with members of Mastodon. He also has Sulaco and Kalibas. Kevin has a band called Venomous Concept with dudes from Napalm Death. I don’t know if Kevin really had another band outside of Brutal Truth.

Josh: You have Total Fucking Destruction as well.
Rich: Yeah, Total Fucking Destruction, definitely. I also, have another project called Peacemaker, which is noise, poetry, experimental type stuff, and I have a couple CDs out of that.

Josh: In the beginning did you all conveniently live in the same town?
Rich: When I joined the band I lived in Philadelphia. I just packed everything in storage and pretty much toured all the time, so it didn’t really matter where I lived. I don’t think I really lived anywhere, except for a tour bus from about 1993, when I joined on up until we split up and they dropped me off on a street corner somewhere. They were all New York State based and I would go back to Philly during breaks for a couple weeks and then meet back up with everyone. Usually I would just fly to Rochester and then we would jam from about Friday at 6pm then wouldn’t stop until Sunday around 11pm. We would just lock ourselves in and get stuff done. We usually will work on demos and then get together a few times and work things out. Somewhere in the process we will send the demos to Kevin so he can work on lyrics and whatnot. Then we get together a few times, all of us together. We work it out in practice and figure out which ones work best live as well.

Josh: What would you say is your favorite Brutal Truth Release?
Rich: The newest one definitely [The End Time]. I think it is the most fun to play and listen to.

Josh: Where do you feel Brutal Truth fits in with modern grindcore?
Rich: I don’t know, I don’t care (laughter).
Josh: Haha, Good answer.
Rich: I don’t know where we fit into in the scene. I am just at war with the drum set, grinding, ya know. I am grateful for the fans, but I don’t know where we fit in into the modern scheme of things. I can’t even tell you bands that are on the modern grind scene.
Josh: Do you feel…
Rich: I mean a lot of the shows we play and bands we play with aren’t grindcore bands. We did a west coast tour with Eyehategod, ya know?
Josh: I did an interview with EHG a while back and they mentioned how they don’t always go out with bands that sound just like them. Their thought on it seemed to be, “why would we want to play with a bunch of bands that sounded like us?”
Rich: Why would you want to, I think that is a newer thing that people want to do.
Josh: I agree.
Rich: Why would you want to listen to a couple hours of bands that sound the same, it baffles me sometimes.

Josh: If you had to pick a band early on that inspired you all with your sound, would you have one, or did your sound just happen?
Rich: It just kind of happened. We just wanted to play fast and it just snowballed from there.

Josh: You all did a split with Spazz, if you had to pick a favorite split what would it be, that one is probably up there for me?
Rich: Melvins was probably a little special to me since they asked us to do a song. Normally we would have a bunch of demos and those might have become a few splits around that time.

Josh: Here is a fun question we always like to ask. Metallica or Slayer?
Rich: Slayer, definitely (laughter).

Josh: What are some current bands you are digging right now.
Rich: Umm…
Josh: It doesn’t have to be punk or metal.
Rich: I don’t know man. I’ve been listening to Phillies games on the radio a lot. Ahhh, Gee wiz man, I really don’t know.
Josh: It’s alright man; I end up listening to a lot of podcasts, myself.
Rich: I don’t generally listen to a lot of music. I kind of got burnt out because of working around it. It just devours you. I still haven’t quite gotten over that still you know. When I get in the car I will probably listen to Slayer or Bolt Thrower, ya know? There are bands that I watch when Brutal Truth plays with them and I like ‘em. I dug Brujeria when we played with them.

Josh: I don’t think that is cool to know that you are out watching newer bands instead of being tucked away in a van or tour bus, ya know? I think that says a lot more than what you might be listening to. It shows that you are still connected.
Rich: Brutal Truth still watches other bands, especially smaller DIY bands.

Josh: Do you all still hold the record for the shortest music video?
Rich: Haha, I think Erik had a good publicist that year. I don’t know, haha. It got on MTV and all that. We have shorter songs, but not one that have been made into a music video. [Brutal Truth’s song, "Collateral Damage" clocks in at 2.18 second)

Josh: So what’s the story behind Kevin’s cowboy hat?
Rich: Haha, I don’t know man. He just started wearing it back in the day and just stuck with it I guess, hahahaha.

Josh: How has the reception been since the reunion and up until now?
Rich: It has been killer man, it has been great man, I can’t complain. We have a heavy schedule with all the other projects so it has been really great getting out there for a weekend or for festivals and people have been really generous.

Josh: I really feel like when Sounds of the Animal Kingdom came out you really paved the way for bands to expand their sound outside of the confines of metal and grind. You really helped bands like Burnt By the Sun and Relapse to expand the genre to new territories. That album has so much going into it and really expanded what before seemed like narrow confines.
Rich: We didn’t really know at the time what we had created, but I can see what you are saying and how that can be viewed. It’s cool man. It was a really difficult album to make for us and it was good that people seemed to get it. When Brutal Truth came around there was a wave of grind bands and then later on near that album and after there were a lot of cool heavy bands that we played with like Today is the Day and Pig Destroyer that were doing a lot outside of what a normal grind band might do. There was Burnt By the Sun and a lot of bands that Relapse put out around that time that were doing some cool stuff.
Josh: I feel like around that time there were a lot of bands that you could say had that “Relapse sound” and while it may not put it into one category it at least let you know that these bands were doing something different.
Rich: You could say that Burnt By the Sun was just a metallic hardcore band but they were so much more than that, they were just Burnt By the Sun. I think the same goes for Brutal Truth but with grindcore.

Josh: Sounds like you have a lot coming up with The End Time, sounds like you guys are going to hit that up as hard as you possibly can with festivals and the like and trying to hit the road in different spots during 2012. Any last words or comment you would like to make?
Rich: Brutal Truth just wants to send out the message to all of our fans that we are fucking ready to grind, ya know?
Josh: Awesome, thanks so much.
Rich: Thanks a lot man.

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012: Magrudergrind Interview

I got a chance to sit down with a good friend, who I don’t get to see enough. Chris Moore is one of the nicest guys and plays in some awesome bands. We sat down to talk about Magrudergrind and generally just catch up. This interview was done around last September (2011), but between tours, Fest 10, getting married, running a record label, moving into a new house and playing in two bands, here it is at the end of February. I hope you enjoy…

Josh: Sitting here with Chris Moore, I’m going to start with the basics, who is Magrudergrind?
Chris: Like, who is in Magrudergrind? Who is the entity known as Magrudergrind? Um, Me, Chris, I play drums. Avi, he sings, and RJ, he plays guitar.

Josh: What is the story behind the name?
Chris: It’s really stupid. When we were 16, we practiced in a neighborhood called Magruder Discovery and yeah. It’s one of those thing where you make up a band name when you are 16 and you think it is cool then and regret it a few years later but its too late, so that’s the deal with that.

Josh: I was in a band called Momma’s Fault, so I know how that goes.
Chris: Ha, that’s a good one.

Josh: You all are coming up on 10 years. What are your thoughts on that?
Chris: It’s crazy; we never thought the band would last more than a few months. It started off with us just fucking around and the fact that we have been at it as long as we have is surprising us too but we are stoked, ya know.

Josh: Any plans for a new album since the last full length came out in 2009?
Chris: Since then we have put out an EP called Crusher and we are writing a new full length, and hopefully we will get it recorded some time this winter.
Josh: Of this year? (Interview was done in 2011)
Chris: Yeah, hopefully.

Josh: What other bands are you all currently in?
Chris: I’m the only one, at the moment, that is in other bands. I play in Coke Bust, Disciples of Christ, and Sick Fix. RJ and I sometimes play in a pentagram cover band call Pentagon but we haven’t done that in a while (laughter). We dress up we have some cool wigs. I take that back. I have a cool wig; RJ has some anime looking wig (laughter).
Josh: How active are the other bands?
Chris: Relatively active. Coke Bust and Sick Fix are doing a European tour next summer. Coke Bust just put out a 7” on Grave Mistake [Records]. We are also doing a West Coast tour in October (2011). Sick Fix is relatively less active, we are hopefully recording a full length at the end of the year, but we literally haven’t put out a record since 2005 or 2006, or something like that. DOC just recorded a split with Triac and we will be doing a West Coast tour with Shitstorm in the wintertime also.

Josh: What are everyone’s activities outside of the band?
Chris: I work in pet care; take care of dogs, cats, or fish. I house sit. RJ works at a bar. Avi works at a social media advertising company.

Josh: You all played with Venom recently. How did that come about?
Chris: We got asked to play two festivals that were right around the same time. One was in Holland and was called, Neurotic Death Fest, and the other was in Portugal with Venom. They were on the same weekend. Between the two festivals they offered to pay for our plane tickets to go to both festivals. It was ridiculous. We left on Thursday night, played Friday in Holland, flew to Portugal, took like 10 taxis, and a long ass bus ride into the city where the fest was. Got there right before Necros Cristos played, watched them, and then Venom played on the big stage, and we played on the small stage, after Venom. We were like, “how the fuck are we going to play after Venom.” Fucking Venom. It ended up being one of the most fun shows we have ever played. Venom was also surprisingly good.
Josh: Yeah, I feel like they would be hit or miss, ya would never know.
Chris: Yeah.
Josh: Was Cronos in the band?
Chris: Yeah, I think he is the only original guy. He looked pretty badass. He had one of those low cut metal tank tops, where you could basically see his nipples (laughter). His Microphone stand was above his head. I guess he is doing the same thing, I have an old video that has old Slayer and them and the video is exactly like what you describe.

Josh: Outside of when you get plane tickets paid for, what is your reception like usually when you tour?
Chris: Its hit or miss, sometimes when we play people just stand there. They are like, “this band blows.” Sometimes it is crazy, ya know? We just played Extreme Obscene Fest in the Czech Republic, and it was another weird situation, we played after Entombed on the same stage. I felt like I was going to puke. Regardless of what you think about Entombed in 2011, to play after them is really intimidating, especially in front of 3 or 4000 people.
Josh: I bet they played the hits, Wolverine Blues stuff.
Chris: Yeah, more from Left Hand Path. We played and there were like 3000 people going insane. It all depends. I mean tonight, we never played in Charlotte before and people went crazy. We thought no one was going to show up; it was a last minute show.
Josh: I think what helped tonight was being to get strong local support. I think a lot of people would have still come but I know it helped, being this last minute.
Chris: All the locals were awesome. The dudes in Torch Runner and Young and in the Way were both real sweet dudes.

Josh: Do you feel like fast punk, or whatever, has had its day?
Chris: I don’t know, truthfully I don’t care about that. I like playing the music I play. When we started there were no bands that sounded like what we play, not in DC. The town doesn’t have a scene for grindcore, doesn’t have a scene for metal. It doesn’t have a good fast punk scene either. When we started playing screamo was big. It was huge, Pg. 99 would play a show and no less than 200 people would show up. In interest of the style of music that we have been playing has never been really popular. There are a lot more bands, now and not because of us, that are playing faster stuff and people are more receptive.
Josh: Maybe I should approach it differently, like you said, that you don’t really care. I know what I like and I don’t really care either if other people are super into it. Just do it because.

Josh: So you are on tour with Despise You?
Chris: Yesterday was out last show with them. We played a total of 9 shows with them and all the shows were incredible. I have been corresponding with their singer for a long time and nerding out over their stuff for a while.
Josh: I feel like I’m out of the loop but don’t they have members of a lot of prominent powerviolence bands? Like Spazz?
Chris: Yeah, Chris Dodge is playing bass for them. Also, some of the members were in Sixteen and Gasp. They have all been in a million bands. It was their first East Coast and it took a while but I finally convinced them to come over. It was a great tour.

Josh: I guess the next question is about the Crusher EP. Do you feel there was some sort of backlash with it coming out on Scion A/V?
Chris: Yeah, I’m sure there are tons of people that feel like we are huge sellouts now.
Josh: That you all have Scions now?
Chris: Yeah, we all have Scions, and we are loaded now (laughter). I would be lying to say it didn’t bother me at first. Some of my good friends were like, “fuck you guys.” Whatever, ya know. We are still doing the same shit, we are still doing the same music, and we are still having fun. That is what the band is about. If people want to write us off because of that then, that’s their shit.
Josh: I feel like I heard a lot about it, and then now no one seems to care. Its kind of funny that people just forgot about it after making such a stink. Its funny that people cry sellout and don’t factor in how long you all have been around and how hard you have worked. Also, for just the simple fact that you all are doing the same thing, so it’s really silly.
Chris: The tour we just did, I booked all myself. All the promoters of the shows were my friends. I didn’t send any emails, I just made phone calls. No weird middleman, no one booked the tour for us. If that isn’t DIY, then I don’t know what is.

Josh: What made you all decide to be the type of band that you are?
Chris: I don’t know, it wasn’t a decision to be a certain band; it was just an evolution of stuff that we had been playing before that. We had all been in hardcore punk bands and we just wanted to play faster. We started listening to different music and it turned into what it turned into. There are/were no grind/metal bands that influenced us directly in DC.
Josh: Really if you just play hardcore punk as fast as you all do by default it is grindcore or powerviolence.
Chris: Yeah, it is what it is.
Josh: Let’s play faster than the fast bands.
Chris: Our first tour was booked from a zine, Book Your Own Fucking Life. I don’t know if you remember it.
Josh: No.
Chris: It was just a zine that had a lot of contacts for people around the country. Most of the shows sucked, but I am still friends with a lot of the people that we booked those shows through. It’s kind of crazy to think about.
Josh: I wish something like that still existed. I guess people don’t feel like it needs to. It just gets tough to wade through shitty contacts to find those good lasting ones.
Chris: Yeah.
Josh: What are some of your favorite bands outside of punk?
Chris: I have been listening to a lot of Zola Jesus. She is this weird synth/goth, kind of like electronic music. I think she is from Wisconsin but I believe she moved to LA, possibly. It’s pretty good. I’ve been playing the new Big Eyes LP lately.
Josh: It’s good.
Chris: Magnetic Fields, Fleetwood Mac, a lot of hip-hop.
Josh: Rumors from Fleetwood Mac?
Chris: Rumors and Tusk.
Josh: Yeah, good stuff.
Chris: Those are such good records; even Tango In the Night has some good stuff on it.
Josh: I think if you have to tell someone one Fleetwood Mac album then Rumors, it is unfuckwithable.
Chris: Can we pound to that? What else? Superchunk, they are a North Carolina band.
Josh: Yeah, I listen to them all the time, great band.

Josh: Any last words, anything you want to mention?
Chris: Umm
Josh: Before I kill you (laughter).
Chris: Thanks for doing the interview, it was cool. Hope we can come back to North Carolina soon. Raleigh is always awesome but Charlotte has been especially good, hope we can come back here.
Josh: Yeah that would be awesome, thanks so much.