Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 4th, 2010

So this update is a little behind schedule but isn't that starting to be a running theme with anything Self-Aware? Also if we are mentioning Self-Aware records/zine, then I will give a quick update before I go into this show review. First off we have two new releases out. The first is the Meth Mountain discography tape and the second is the new issue of the print zine, Self-Aware issue #6. The aforementioned tape has 18 tracks and a digital download card. Buy both together for $7ppd. The zine features pieces on, Algernon Cadwallader, Bandname, Raein, Concrete Sox, Entombed and an interview with Make Do and Mend. Alright with that out of the way, here goes...

So when I heard the legendary Eye Hate God was coming through the area, I knew right away I was going to be at one of the shows. After missing D.R.I. in Charlotte, I told myself I wouldn't be a dumbass twice. I decided on going to see them in Spartanburg, SC, and I think it was a great decision. If you are going to see EHG go see them in a shit-hole like South Carolina to make the experience so much better. On the bill with EHG was Withered, Nachmystium, and for some reason Joe Buck of Hank III fame. Honestly in some way I almost expected EHG to sound kind of bad and for all of them to be completely wasted but that wouldn't make me any less of a fan. Withered went on first and were really tight but nothing really stood out to me. I thought to myself that I would have been into this more in like 2005. Definitely tight metal. Nachmystium was next and definitely caught my interest a little bit more with their style of "Americanized" black metal. While I'd consider myself a moderate fan of black metal, I still really can't get super into them. I think some of the issue is how popular black metal seems to be all of a sudden and how many people are miraculously into maybe the most unpeople friendly genre ever. How people are really into Burzum and Emperor as easily as they are today, is just beyond me? While I am a fan of both of those bands I wouldn't never expect as many people to be fans as well. Nachmystium rocked it and then Joe Buck came on next and just totally ruined the momentum for the show with his brand of "solo psycho-billy while looking like Skelotor". What was maybe an hour felt like an excruciating eternity. While in some way it definitely fit with EHG, it doesn't mean I didn't want to rip my ears out. Finally EHG set up and I headed to the front. I really haven't been more excited for a show in a long time and was probably grinning like a madman. Mike Williams definitely seemed a little trashed but everyone else looked like they were sober enough to put on a good show. When Jimmy Bower turned his amp and started chugging some of the most amazingly down tuned riffs I knew this was going to be a religious experience. They finally get going and everything thing sounds phenomenal. Mike Williams might have been a little off but I wouldn't have it any other way. Most of the set consisted of tracks from "Take As Needed For Pain" but for that I am glad. Each song was more awesome than the last and I haven't had as much alcohol thrown on me in a good while. Jimmy Bower accidentally kicked a beer bottle into my roommate's face but I think Wes was proud to have it done by such a living legend. I definitely was not let down and was in fact surprised with how amazing they sounded. While my ticket was $24, I honestly feel like it was worth every penny.

(pictures by the amazing Angie Owens)